How to Send Mail using Sendgrid in Laravel?

How to Send Mail using Sendgrid in Laravel?

First we will add configration on mail. i added my gmail account configration. so first open .env file and bellow code:



Ok, now we need to add secret and domain of sendgrid api configration. So first create new account in if you don't have before. After registeration active your sendgrid account and set username and password

Now we are ready to send mail for test so first create test route for email sending.


Route::get('mail', 'HomeController@mail');

Ok, now add mail function in HomeController.php file so add this way :


public function mail(){    $user = User::find(1)->toArray();    Mail::send('emails.mailEvent', $user, function($message) use ($user) {        $message->to($user->email);        $message->subject('Sendgrid Testing');    });    dd('Mail Send Successfully');}

At last create email template file for send mail so let's create mailEvent.blade.php file in emials folder.


Read Also: How to send mail using mailable in laravel 5.3?

 Hi, sendgrid testing.

Last updated