Laravel where clause with date_format() example

Laravel where clause with date_format() example

By Hardik Savani June 22, 2016 Category : LaravelPlayUnmuteLoaded: 1.20%FullscreenVDO.AIIn this post, i share with you that how to use date_format() with where condition of Laravel query builder. When i was working on my project, i require to search with get only selected month and year records from created_at(timestamp) column. I was thinking how can i but i know date_format() of mysql. but don't know how to use in laravel where clause. At last i use DB::raw() of Laravel and it's work.

If you have also need to search this way then you can do it this way:


$data = DB::table("items")        ->select("id","title","created_at")        ->where(DB::raw("(DATE_FORMAT(created_at,'%Y-%m'))"),"2016-07")        ->get();print_r($data);

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