Laravel Livewire Toastr Notifications Example

Laravel Livewire Toastr Notifications Example

I will give you very simple example of how to implement toastr notification alert using laravel livewire. it's really simple step for creating toaster notification with livewire and you can use with laravel 6, laravel 7, laravel 8 and laravel 9 version.

So, let's follow bellow step and you will get bellow layout:

Step 1: Install Laravel

first of all we need to get fresh Laravel version application using bellow command, So open your terminal OR command prompt and run bellow command:

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog

Step 2: Install Livewire

now in this step, we will simply install livewire to our laravel application using bellow command:

composer require livewire/livewire

Read Also: Laravel 8 Auth with Livewire Jetstream Tutorial

Step 3: Create Component

Now here we will create livewire component using their command. so run bellow command to create select2 component.

php artisan make:livewire notificationDemo

Now they created fies on both path:


Now both file we will update as bellow for our contact us form.


<?php  namespace App\Http\Livewire;  use Livewire\Component;  class NotificationDemo extends Component{    /**     * Write code on Method     *     * @return response()     */    public function render()    {        return view('livewire.notification-demo')->extends('');    }      /**     * Write code on Method     *     * @return response()     */    public function alertSuccess()    {        $this->dispatchBrowserEvent('alert',                 ['type' => 'success',  'message' => 'User Created Successfully!']);    }      /**     * Write code on Method     *     * @return response()     */    public function alertError()    {        $this->dispatchBrowserEvent('alert',                 ['type' => 'error',  'message' => 'Something is Wrong!']);    }      /**     * Write code on Method     *     * @return response()     */    public function alertInfo()    {        $this->dispatchBrowserEvent('alert',                 ['type' => 'info',  'message' => 'Going Well!']);    }}


<div>    <h1>Laravel Livewire Notification Example -</h1>          <button type="button" wire:click="alertSuccess" class="btn btn-success">Success Alert</button>    <button type="button" wire:click="alertError" class="btn btn-danger">Error Alert</button>    <button type="button" wire:click="alertInfo" class="btn btn-info">Info Alert</button></div>

Step 4: Create Route

now we will create one route for calling our example, so let's add new route to web.php file as bellow:


<?php  use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route; use App\Http\Livewire\NotificationDemo;  /*|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| Web Routes|--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Here is where you can register web routes for your application. These| routes are loaded by the RouteServiceProvider within a group which| contains the "web" middleware group. Now create something great!|*/  Route::get('notification', NotificationDemo::class);

Step 5: Create View File

here, we will create blade file for call form route. in this file we will use @livewireStyles, @livewireScripts. so let's add it.


<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>    <title>Laravel Livewire Example -</title>    @livewireStyles    <script src="//"></script>    <link href="//" rel="stylesheet" id="bootstrap-css">    <script src="//"></script>    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">    <script src=""></script></head><body>    <div class="container">    @yield('content')</div>    </body>  @livewireScripts  <script>window.addEventListener('alert', event => {              toastr[event.detail.type](event.detail.message,              event.detail.title ?? ''), toastr.options = {                    "closeButton": true,                    "progressBar": true,                }            });</script>  </html>

Now you can run using bellow command:

php artisan serve

Open bellow URL:

Read Also: Laravel Livewire Dependant Dropdown Example


I hope it can help you...

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