Laravel - How to Implement Gravatar Image using thomaswelton/laravel-gravatar

Laravel - How to Implement Gravatar Image using thomaswelton/laravel-gravatar

First fire following command on your terminal.

Installation Package

composer require thomaswelton/laravel-gravatar

After install this package, Now open config/app.php file and add service provider and aliase.


'providers' => [	....	Thomaswelton\LaravelGravatar\LaravelGravatarServiceProvider::class,],'aliases' => [	....	'Gravatar' => Thomaswelton\LaravelGravatar\Facades\Gravatar::class],

ok, now we can use Gravatar in our blade file like this way:

Use In Blade File

<img src="{{ Gravatar::src('', 200) }}">

Try this it will help you and for more information click here: laravel-gravatar.

Last updated